ACT By Marine Air Flow
  • ACT For Engine Room Ventilation

    Get Accurate Air Flow Figures For Your Next Project

    Using ACT by Marine Air Flow, you can quickly and easily generate accurate air flow figures for vessels from recreational craft to commercial boats. ACT allows you to submit just 4 points of data and will generate a report showing you the airflow and quantities you need to support your application. In addition you will receive a list of recommended equipment to suit that particular application.



What will ACT do?

ACT by Marine Air Flow enables you to get accurate air flow figures for your engine room application, based on just 4 points of data. You can calculate the quantity and velocity of air flow you need to suit the application you are designing or manufacturing. It removes all guess work and you can supply your outcome knowing that the figures you are quoting will support your vessels engine room and horsepower. 

Who will use ACT?

Typically ACT will be used by Naval Architects, Designers and even some manufacturers. ACT will enable you to calculate the penetration sizes and air volume and velocity required for your proposed engine room space. Knowing this information will enable you to ensure your clients acheive the best operating conditions possible.